
Pack Away Grief? Not Me
Grief is not something that you carry around in a backpack on your back. Though I love dear Kelly Corrigan and find myself frequently “hell yeah-ing” everything she says, this comment from her podcast discussion with Cecily Strong (on Big

Creating Space in Life
Our lives are packed. We are all juggling so much and spending our time doing so many things. It seems like with all our commitments, responsibilities, and desires, our days spin away and our bodies are swimming through the waters

Dropping the Pressure to Do Big
My first husband died suddenly when he was 30 years old. At the time, I was 29 years old and 8 months pregnant with our first child. I usually keep this information pretty close to my chest. However, I recently

Just Enough
Recently, I was a witness to various conversations amongst women that brought to light our society’s continued and ever-growing mentality of “not enough:” …I can never seem to accomplish enough in a day …My house is never clean enough …I

Relentless Search
Pulling into the drop-off line at my daughter’s and step-daughters’ new high school, I found myself desperately wanting to pour encouragement and wisdom into their excited and nervous bodies. They are starting their freshman year and this passage feels oddly

Stay Connected Through Change
I can remember my Mom regularly saying: “Everything always changes” or “Change is a given.” I heard her then and now I understand her. Change is a definite part of life and we have a choice – embrace it or